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    Our advanced range of analysis robots are a proven instruments for the measurement of pH, electrical conductivity and acid base titration.  Suitable for quality control and safety applications such as testing of drinking water or soil health.

    pH is a measurement of potential hydrogen ions concentration in a substance.  This measurement is indicative of how acidic or alkaline a substance is.  The pH scale ranges from 0-14, wherein values between 0-6 represent acidity, 7 represents neutrality, and 8-14 represents alkalinity.

    Electrical Conductivity is a measurement of total ion concentration in a substance.  This is stipulated by determining the capability of a substance to carry an electrical current.

    pH and Conductivity Applications

    • Drinking water
    • Waste water
    • Cooling towers
    • Agricultural soils
    • Beverages
    • Wine
    • Beer
    • Dam and Irrigation water
    • Water purification



    The automated AS3000 electrode pH robots enable you to keep on top of ever increasing sample throughput demands.  If you are uncertain that your current testing procedures adequately comply to the stringent requirements of today’s soil testing standards, then look no further.  Our electrode pH robots utilise tried and proven hardware and software, so that all samples comply with precision and accuracy that only a fully automated robotic system can provide.


    • Automated pH measurement
    • Accuracy 0.01pH
    • Throughput >2000 samples per day with the quad probe version
    • Accommodates up to 180 samples
    • LIMS connectivity

    4 pH Electrodes for Faster Throughput – AS3000Q Model

    The AS3000Q automated pH robot is a multi-electrode system that reads 4 pH electrodes simultaneously.  The system adheres to your method configuration parameters so there is no compromise on sample quality or accuracy.  The system will inform the operator when a pH electrode has finally succumbed to age and it is now faulty.  The pH electrode can read fast, with a typical soil stability of <0.03 pH taking less than 20 seconds to stabilise.

    Models Available

    DescriptionSingle tray, single pHSingle Tray, dual pHSingle tray, dual pH (UGA)Three tray, single pHThree tray, dual pHThree tray, dual pH (UGA)Three tray, quad pH
    No. of trays1113333
    Samples per tray40/50/6040/50/6040/50/6040/50/6040/50/6040/50/6040
    No. of meters1111112
    No. of pH probes1221224
    Temp. probes1111112
    No. of stirrers1221244
    Spray washYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
    No. of pumps2
    Syringe size ml2.5/5/10/25

    The AS3020 robotic pH and Conductivity Analyser automates your soil and water testing requirements and it can be configured to suit any ASTM/ISO method.

    The instrument is fast and accurate and has provision for up to 180 soil or water samples.  The instrument can measure the electrical conductivity prior to testing the pH in the water or soil.  This feature ensures that the pH electrode KCl solution does not interfere with the Conductivity measurement.


    • Automated and accurate pH and Conductivity measurement
    • Simultaneous measurement of pH and Conductivity.  Option to read pH before Conductivity
    • Test up to 180 soil or water samples per batch
    • Automated calibration for both pH and Conductivity electrodes
    • Supports adjustment of the pH or Conductivity values according to ATC Conductivity electrode temperature
    • Can be calibrated to adapt to any ASTM/ISO measurement method
    • Automatic K=0.1, K=1.0 & K=10 detection
    • LIMS connectivity

    Electrode Management

    The pH and Conductivity electrodes are easily interchangeable; the system determines when the electrodes are starting to degrade and prompts the user to change them.  The instrument can detect what type of Conductivity electrode is currently connected to the system.  The Conductivity electrode that comes with the instrument has Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) built-in, and the software will adjust the pH or Conductivity values as necessary, based on the temperature reading on the ATC Conductivity electrode.

    Automated Electrode Calibration

    The instrument offers the ability to calibrate the pH and Conductivity electrodes to predefined constraints.  The conditional parameter configured within the method allows you to instruct the AS3020 Analyser when to perform a calibration check on the electrodes, and upon a calibration check failure, to re-calibrate the pH and Conductivity electrode automatically.

    The system can import your QC or standard location from a LIMS file using the intelligent LIMS connection where you map the LIMS fields once only.

    Models Available

    DescriptionSingle tray, single pH & ECThree tray, single pH & ECThree tray, dual pH & EC
    No. of trays133
    Samples per tray40/50/6040/50/6040/50/60
    No. of meters112
    No. of pH probes112
    No. of EC probes112
    No. of stirrers112
    Spray washYesYesYes

    AS3200 pH, Electrical Conductivity and Acid-Base Titrator

    The AS3200 instrument holds 3 trays of up to 60 samples each.  The system will measure the pH of the sample prior to beginning the automated acid-base titration sequence.  The system is capable of accurately dosing the sample until the desired end point is reached with up to 4 end points that can be configured.


    The AS3200 utilises sophisticated software and hardware to generate more throughput of acid-base titrations without the risk of “over-shooting” the end-point.  The system can be programmed to titrate to a maximum of 4 end-points in either the up or down direction, making the AS3200 extremely flexible for acid-base titration requirements.  This acid-base titration instrument can be configured to meet any requirements of the method and/or local government requirements.

    The instrument is ideal for applications including:

    • Food & beverage industries
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Waste water from treatment plants
    • Various mineral analysis
    • NAG test – acid rock drainage (use in conjunction with the CS1232 Carbon Sulphur Analyser)


    Our AS3200 can perform an extra run at the end of a working day.  This means you get an extra 180 acid-base titrations per day.  The titration analyser has the power to “punch” through any “cling film” that most laboratories use to keep their samples preserved over the top of their samples.  Being able to perform 180 acid-base titrations per sample run leaves your operator to perform other duties within your laboratory.

    Intelligent Dosing

    The AS3200 features intelligent software which detects sample reaction and adjusts titrant dosage accordingly.  This greatly reduces the “Over-Shooting” problems common to manual titration procedures to near zero, as the system will back-calculate the final titrant volume for the end point.  The instrument is controlled by methods, where you have unrestricted method configuration capabilities.  Our instrument will automatically titrate in the direction selected in the method depending on the 1st end point for the method.  There are a total of 4 end points which can be used in the system, however, most facilities performing acid-base titration only use 2, and the other titration end points can be deactivated with the intuitive interface.

    Powerful Quality Controls

    The AS3200 allows you to set quality control samples anywhere within the sampling area. Simply click the desired location that is presented to you on screen and set it as a QC.  The system accommodates 4 different types of quality Controls; these are:

    • EC – Conductivity
    • pH
    • Acidity as H2SO4
    • Acidity as CaCO3

    You can provide advanced QC parameter controls such as:

    • Value
    • Deviation
    • Electrode stability
    • Number of Readings

    Of course, all your samples including the quality control samples, can be imported directly from LIMS.  With many analysis methods now requiring automated acid-base titration equipment, the AS3200 gives you more flexibility to your method, more features you demand, and can be left unattended with full confidence in your results.

    Models Available

    DescriptionSingle tray, single pH, EC & TitrationThree tray, single pH, EC & TitrationThree tray, dual pH, EC & Titration
    No. of trays133
    Samples per tray40/50/6040/50/6040/50/60
    No. of meters112
    No. of pH probes112
    No. of EC probes112
    Temp probe1
    No. of stirrers112
    Spray washYesYesYes
    No. of pumps112
    Syringe size ml2.5/5/10/252.5/5/10/252.5/5/10/25
    No. of titrations112


    Syringe Pumps for Buffers/Titrants/Reagents

    Our automated pH robots can be accessorised with automated syringe pumps that will automatically add buffer or a reagent to the samples when required by the method.  This means that no unnecessary usage of expensive reagents are wasted, no additional hazardous waste disposal costs and operators are safely removed from chemicals thus ensuring operator health and safety.


    Our trolley is made for the AS3000 systems and have a drawer for the meter, keyboard, mouse and any other item you wish to store out of the way.  With the trolley, your bench space can be freed up for other equipment or lab productivity areas.

    AS3200 pH, Electrical Conductivity and Acid-Base Titrator Quad pH probe configuration Automatic wash system Trolley accessory AS3200 pH, Electrical Conductivity and Acid-Base Titrator < 01 of 04 >