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A Step-By-Step Guide to Developing a Sample Preparation Method
Preparing samples for analysis is an essential stage in the field of analytical chemistry, as some testing cannot be conducted without it. In sample preparation, a piece of material or substance is extracted from a larger material for further investigation. Various methods can be used to prepare a sample, but the quality of the sample preparation method is critical for the accuracy, reliability, and sensitivity of analysis results.
Developing a suitable sample preparation method for your study can be complex for several reasons, ranging from complex samples to contamination and other factors. It is also possible that many stages need to be introduced to adequately prepare a sample, whereas other methods may ...
Why CRMs are Central to Method Development
Method development is a critical part of manufacturing pharmaceutical products and involves creating an analytical procedure used to evaluate the characteristics of a drug product against regulatory guidelines. The process includes several steps and, if implemented correctly, can ensure a successful drug product from discovery to market. The benefits of a successful analytical method include shorter turnaround times, cost savings, and accurate and reliable testing results. To ensure reliable analytical testing results, certified reference materials (CRMs) are of high importance as they provide a benchmark for accurate and comparable results in laboratories worldwide1. Additionally, CRMs are used for calibrating equipment and quality control applications. In this blog post, we look at wh...
Key Considerations for XRF Pelletising
Determining a material’s elemental composition requires instruments’ sensitivity and stability to achieve accurate results. Previously, those two factors were the most common source of error in XRF analysis, but as technology has advanced, so have the XRF instruments, which has meant they are no longer the primary source of error in an XRF sample analysis. Instead, the most common problems are found in sample preparation techniques. This blog post will look at the key considerations when using XRF pelletising as a preparation method.
What is XRF Pelletising?
Pelletising is the process of making pressed pellets for XRF analysis. Pressed pellets are a...