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Do You Need Certified Reference Materials For XRF Applications?
Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) are controls or standards used in laboratories to validate analytical measurement methods, check product quality, or support equipment calibration. CRMs are an essential part of any analysis, testing or validation, and they are most often required to ensure laboratories meet stringent standards. However, there is another alternative if certified reference materials are not available. In this blog post, we will be looking at whether certified reference materials are a requirement for XRF applications.
What Are Certified Reference Materials?
Certified reference materials are used in laboratories worldwide to ensure...

Platinum Products for Use in Industrial Furnaces
Exhibiting extreme heat-resistance and chemical inertness, platinum products play a vital role in industrial furnace applications. From our manufacturing facility in Melbourne, Australia, XRF Scientific are able to manufacture platinum products to suit the most demanding applications.
Advantages and applications of platinum
Platinum is a ductile silver-white metal known for its rarity and desirable physicochemical properties. Platinum has an extremely high melting point, which makes platinum products extremely valuable for high-temperature applications. In addition to this, platinum products are highly chemically stable, enabling them to resist corrosion even at high temperatures.1
The combination of heat and corrosion resistance means that platinum pro...

XRF Solutions from XRF Scientific
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technology is utilized when rock samples and other industrial materials need to be analyzed from a geochemical point of view. Samples are examined through an XRF spectrometer by impinging X-ray light onto a sample and then measuring the fluorescence emitted after being excited by the primary X-ray source. Throughout this post, we will look at XRF Scientific’s XRF solutions and a specific product under each category.
What Does XRF Scientific Offer for XRF Analysis?
XRF Scientific specializes in providing many products for XRF analysis, including sample preparation instruments, chemicals and maintenance products.
Sample Preparation Instruments
The first part of the XRF analysis process requires a samp...