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Automatic weighing of XRF Press Pellet binders
For x-ray florescence analysis to be performed, a solid sample should first be prepared into a fused glass disc or pressed pellet. In both techniques the sample must first be milled to a consistent particle size that is capable of further preparation. (more…)
Platinum Products for Crystal Growth
Crystals grow as ions and molecules add to the pre-existing lattice structure, which extends in a repeating pattern in three dimensions. This natural process has been simulated and recreated in laboratory conditions to obtain single crystal metals, semiconductors, and synthetic gemstones for a raft of application areas. Manufacturers generally use one of two techniques to encourage crystal growth: the Bridgman-Stockbarger method; or the Czochralski method. Each of these has its advantages and drawbacks, but a unifying difficulty for all crystal growth techniques is the acquisition of materials capable of withstanding difficult process conditions.
Platinum products are widely used for crystal growth due to their exceptional non-reactivity in the presence of molten materials and pr...

Conditions to Avoid with Platinum Products for General Labware Care
Platinum care is a vital, yet often overlooked, process for x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) sample preparation. Analysts routinely subject platinum labware to extreme temperatures for extended periods of time. These harsh thermal conditions are further complicated by the challenging reactions that occur between sample materials and borate agents, and between minerals within samples and the platinum labware itself. (more…)