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Using a Fusion Machine for XRF Sample Preparation
Sample preparation is the process of treating a sample before it is analyzed. For XRF applications, the better a sample is prepared the better and more accurate the results will be.
There are many methods of sample preparation, which all have their own benefits. This blog post will discuss the use of a fusion machine for XRF sample preparation.
Fusion Sample Preparation
For XRF analysis, samples prepared using fusion to form fused beads provide a nearly ideal homogeneous representation of the sample. This is why this method is often considered the best for solids.
Either a gas or electric fusion machine can be used to perform this sample preparation. The fused beads are produced by mixing a flux with a sample that has been finely powdered and...

Launch of new fusion machine – Phoenix GO
We are excited to announce the launch of a new fusion machine, Phoenix GO! Our new machine uses gas only, is incredibly efficient to run and without compromise. It has all of the features of a high end fusion machine and more. With Phoenix GO you get complete control over the fusion temperature, sample mixing and cooling speeds. Want the highest level of safety available in a gas fusion machine? Check out more on the Product Page.
Launch of new product – xrFuse 1
XRF Scientific Ltd has expanded the range of xrFuse electric fusion machines, through the launch of the new xrFuse 1. The robust instrument allows for the preparation of fused beads for XRF or ICP solutions. Further information is available on the Product Page.